Voodoo Rush
The first 3Dfx' attempt with fully graphic card (2D+3D). From performance point it was slower than predecessor Voodoo1.
Typical models have 6MB ram, altough there were 8MB versions:
- Hercules StingRay 128/3D
Graphics | RUSH |
Frequency | 50MHz |
RAM | 4 / 8MB |
2D | AT25 / MX |
Technical details of Rush

Hercules Stingray 128/3D with 8MB ram

Hercules Stingray 128/3D with 8MB ram
Older version of Stingray where 3dfx part was designed as detachable daughteboard

Hercules Stingray 128/3D with 6MB ram and 3dfx daughterboard
Another dual-plannar model from Britek viewTOP

Britek ViewTOP VulcanX with 3dfx module (4MB)